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S01E01 - Cybersecurity Career Skills

Home Discovery

Jobs in Cybersecurity (20m, ~3800 words) - https://cybersecurityventures.com/jobs/
A deep dive into the realities of how many jobs are open in this industry.

The Paradox of Choice (13m, ~2500 words) - https://azeria-labs.com/paradox-of-choice/
Absolutely excellent article about how difficult it can be to begin learning when there are so many options available, and SO MUCH INFORMATION.

Y'all Can Start an Infosec Career. Yeah, YOU. (12m, ~2400 words) - https://www.7thdrxn.com/blag/learn-infosec
My syllabus outlining what we've talked about as the 3 keys to really ingesting and understanding infosec. 

Research Project

(PROJECT) Career Research

Google for articles, tweets, or blogs about jobs that sound interesting to you; after you read an article, spend a minute to RECALL what was discussed, then build an outline of main points you remember. Afterward, take a gander at your source material and fill in key points with your own words.


Listen to the recent episode of a security podcast like Smashing Security or Defensive Security and spend a minute to RECALL what was discussed; it may be worth pausing halfway through to get things out. Write down things they talked about, especially things you don’t understand very well. Google for articles about them and perform the first exercise.

Slides can be found here.

Kahoot quiz can be played here.

Episode available on Twitch or Youtube.